Dec 3, 2008


Well its official, the "EXPERTS" have declared (read admitted) that we are in a recession! If those guys are the experts, I must be a friggin Einstein!!
I think now more than ever this network is needed!

Need a job? Side jobs? Advertise your current job? GET INVOLVED !!

I re-invited everyone on the initial run...don't lose faith !!

Nov 1, 2008

Why No Posts????

We've had 3 successful referrals since this blog started!!!
Why are you not posting your business?? I dont get it.

Sep 26, 2008

Tad's Business: Cars, Golf, Verve Energy

Hey everyone! I know all of you know I am in the car business, but I also want you to know about my other ventures....

First:I am in a fantastic network marketing program called The Golfers Life Network. Not only has the instruction enlightened me about improving my golf game, but it will make us some money. I want you all to get involved so we can enjoy our lives more rather than "working" our lives away! If you are interested, please call me and we can set up a meeting or even a little party with the presentation. Even if your not a golfer, you can learn because its a great game and you can draw many parallels with everyday life and live "The Golfers Life".

I am a distributor of a new energy drink from Vemma Inc. called VERVE. This is an energy drink that is good for you and doesnt give you the "crash" an hour later like thoes sugar filled energy drinks do. Its the official energy drink of the Phoenix Suns and Mercury. You can check it out at:

Third:I still sell cars as my primary job...FOR NOW! So you better take advantage of me while I'm doing it! If your not in the market, tell friends and family...if they buy from your referral I will give you $100, plus if you are a member of this networking blog page, I will add $50...if you are a member of The Golfers Life Network, I will add another $50! What about VERVE? You ask, alright if you hit the GRAND SLAM (U Rock the Network member, TGLN member, VERVE member and they buy on your referral), you will receive $250!!

If you have any questions about any or all of these things please email me at:
or call me on my mobile,

Sep 19, 2008

Pat O'Brien Story

I read a story today on Yahoo, its about Pat O'Briens departure from The Insider, but it spoke to me about something that has always "irked" me (thats putting it nicely). Here is a section of the article....

"...O'Brien seemingly took issue with the show's focus on fashion while people all over Iowa are struggling to put food on the table.

"Hi, folks, I just spent a couple of days in Iowa—I'm a little bit of a favorite son there," the South Dakota-born newsman said, per a copy obtained by the New York Post, "and I spoke with maybe a thousand people and was very hands-on. Even Joe Biden said, 'You should be running [for president]!' But what I came away with was, these people can't afford gas, books, food or schools or movies!
"I was approached a hundred times by people asking, 'Can you help us?' I tried to tell them we care, but they didn't buy it. They wanted to, but watching...Lara [Spencer] pick out accessories makes the viewers want to vomit. I'll get killed for this, but I'm actually the one not afraid for my job. I want people to be happy."

I never really could watch those shows about celebrities and how good they have it and see them toil over the decision between Prada or Hilfiger, while there are folks in this country making decisions about whether to buy hamburger or just cook the last can of beans in the pantry.

This entry slightly gets off track of this blogs purpose, but I think it illustrates that its not just us in Arizona, its everywhere. People are struggling, no extra money to do anything. I'm glad Mr. O'Brien recognized it, I'm sorry he lost his job for just stating the obvious - but maybe it is a blessing in disguise.

We all have to get thru this together, it will turn around. But you cant sit around and sulk about it and wait for our leaders to step in. Do something.
The government doesn't help people...PEOPLE HELP PEOPLE.

Remember the movie Pay it Forward? has a great message about karma.

Pointers for CREATING POSTS on this blog:

It looks like several of you have accepted the invitation! I just wanted to put up some pointers for making a post for all of you.

If you want to put the word out about your business or information about any "side work" you do for extra cash, I suggest you make it a NEW POST - this button is located in the upper right corner of the page "NEW POST"; and Title it appropriately, for example if your a HANDYMAN, simply title your post "HANDYMAN" or "NEED A HANDYMAN". This way anyone looking for such a person can easily see it and go right to that post. Additionally, at the screen you are creating your post, there is a section to label it - Label it "HANDYMAN" in this instance.

Do not post information under "add comments" to a particular blog post otherwise your post will get lost within comments. You can post comments to every entry, but please reserve it for comments pertaining to the original post.
Example, under the HANDYMAN post, you may make a comment like: "I used Joe to replace a light bulb for me and it was not only very affordable, he also fixed my doorbel - super nice guy!"

You will all be granted ADMIN privileges to this blog. This means you can not only edit all posts on this blog, but more importantly you can invite others to view it. Right now it only reaches out to "My Circle" right now (is that phrase trademarked by ALLTEL?), maybe I should call it "My Circumference", and it needs to reach more people than just "My Circumference".

NOTE: This blog is meant to HELP people, if for any reason you are found to be unnecessarily editing posts created by others, or creating a negative spin on anothers post, trying to steal business from others you will be removed from this blog group altogether. Now obviously, there may be some individuals that do the same type of work, a healthy competition is fine, but if it turns negative you will be removed.
If you feel someone needs to be removed, please be adult about it and discuss it with the individual(s) first and try to work it out before just shutting them out...I shouldn't have to say this stuff - but I do!

To invite people to be Authors on the blog, simply click on CUSTOMIZE in upper right corner, go to SETTINGS tab, PERMISSIONS, then simply type the persons email address in the ADD AUTHORS box.

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at

Again, always remember the reason or the "Vision" of this blog is to help people (see 1st Post).

Sep 17, 2008

1st Post

My name is Tad Kern. I created this blog page because we could all use some help at one time or another.
I sell cars at Tates East Valley Ford in Coolidge, AZ. Maybe a far drive for most, but I will make it worth your drive.

I can be reached at 520-723-5479 or visit my website at, my email is

Tell a friend! If they buy a vehicle from me we have great payouts on our referral program-contact me for details.

I also am a distributor for the Vemma Corp. and Verve Energy Drinks! If you drink energy drinks, you should try this one - its good for you!

I also know a lot of people in various fields, from Mechanics to Attorneys. Maybe you will see a post for them on this blog! If not, feel free to contact me, if I can give a referral - I WILL !!!!!
Who knows this may be the only post...I hope not.

Opening Remarks...

Hey everyone!!

As you all know the economy is horrible....that means there are a lot of
individuals and families out there struggling right now!
My family is one of them....its not a time for pride right now....There are
several people on this cruise and I know sometimes it feels like your setting up
deckchairs on the Titanic!

I am calling on all of you....

If you need goods or services, seek out the little guy...your neighbor, your
friend, etc. - you will be helping his/her family and I'm sure you will save
some $$ over going elsewhere. Dont think your small contribution won't make a

There are people looking for side jobs to make ends meet - construction,
handyman, mechanics, etc etc. If you need a car or know someone who does....
the list goes on.

You won't see the government bailing out the little guys! Mortgage companies
are being saved - but the families living in those homes are still moving out

I know several people in different fields, whether it be selling goods or
providing services - and I'm sure you do too !! Maybe they are struggling,
maybe not - maybe pride is getting in the way of asking for help. Either way, I
think the best place to look for business is through referrals or word of mouth
- put the phone book away! Knock on a neighbors door, call people you know!
Someone knows someone, who knows someone!!!
Maybe YOU don't need anything right now, but don't be your ears
and eyes, open your heart and someone. Maybe you know someone
looking for a particular service or product - maybe sometime down the road you
will need something....and Heaven forbid, sometime down the road YOU are the one
struggling - Karma is a powerful thing.

CALL ME, for crying out loud!! I know lots of people!!! Mechanics, handy-man,
electricians, flooring guys, construction, the list goes on.

Post a comment or blog and tell everyone something about what you do, your business, or even just about yourself! Whats the least that can happen?? YOU GET SOME BUSINESS ?!?!